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Aug 17, 2021
6 Ways a narcissist controls & isolates you
The idea is to make you lose your sense of reality and identity, make you totally co-dependent on them, and feeds their need to control you.

Jun 30, 2021
Lockdown & COVID19 date ideas
For me it's all about being creative and having fun when dating. The difference now is dating while adhering to the current restrictions.

Apr 15, 2021
Emotional exhaustion: what it is & how to treat it
What is emotional exhaustion? It is a state of feeling emotionally worn-out and drained because of accumulated stress from your personal...

Apr 13, 2021
The inquisition & retribution
It's human to err. I have myself. The retribution from my BF was not something you can imagine unless you have experienced it first hand.

Apr 12, 2021
The yum cha & ex lover incident
One time my BF had an ex lover come visit and stay with him for a weekend. Next thing I know I'm a liar, fake and disgusting to him.

Feb 23, 2021
Habits Sociopaths have in relationships
Sociopaths are not know for being the best type of partners, and this I can vouch for from firsthand experience.

Feb 8, 2021
I dated a Sociopath: Buyer Beware!
It is a one in a lifetime experience that I wish on no one. But I do have some firsthand experience dating, and almost marrying...
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