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Lockdown & COVID19 date ideas

For me it's all about being creative and having fun when dating - the only difference now is dating while adhering to the current restrictions.

Below are just some ideas I've come up and used to keep things interesting on the dating front during these interesting times.

1. Park pinic date

Parks are the new pubs and a prefect place to spark a romance. Imagine sitting next to your man on a blanket surrounded by amazing nature, nibbling on some treat and sipping sparkling wine. As you chat and share laughs you get to curl into his shoulder and eventually snuggle up close. Physical contact is a get way to build romance.

2. Walk & talk date

There are so many beautiful walks around - costal, forested or city scapes. It's a great way to stay active but also provides a great opportunity to talk and get to know each other on a deeper level. Best part, you get to wear a cute activewear set to tease him just a tiny bit 😉. Now the only problem is now choosing which you prefer!

3. Sports date

Doing something active is a great way to drop people's defences as they'll be so busy focusing and enjoying themselves. My top recommendations include a golf range, tennis, bowls or paddle boarding. These all allow you to chat whilst having a bit of fun.

5. A bike ride date

A bike ride can be really fun on a bright sunny day. My advice would be to pick a ride that allows you to ride side by side or has a lot of stops along route to chat, eat or view sights. Another cute idea would be trying to find a tandem bike or something of similar nature.

6. Cook at home

In these lockdown times, we have to enjoy the little things. Pick out a recipe that you and your partner would like. Be sure to get that music popping as you chop and stir. Have yourself a little dance break here and there, this gives you the opportunity to get up and close to your Mr and build some romance. Top it off with a lovely glass of wine and you have a winning combo!

7. Shaken not stirred date

Looking for something with a bit more spiciness? Give yourselves the challenge of coming up with a unique cocktail, maybe even set a minimum number of ingredients e.g. 4 or more. Then it's a evening of showing off your cocktail mixing skilling, pump the music, enjoy the laughs and inevitably a bit of dancing!

8. Puzzle date

For something a little more low key, grab yourselves a puzzle. As you work your way piece by piece to the finish line, channel your inner peace and casually chat. This is also a great idea as it gets the two of you to work together... talk about teaming up! 😉 Just remember there's nothing wrong with taking a break to get some nibbles and wine for the two of your beautiful selves.

9. Movie night date

Talk about the ultimate chill date night! Who doesn't love cuddling up together on the couch under a blanket. By your side some chocolate and sweet tastiness. What to put on though? Time decide do you go with a romcom (soft, squishy and romantic) or scary (allows you get up and close because hey it's scary!). And if you fall asleep in his arms, nobody's going to complain.

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