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Nourishing the Mind, Body and Soul During COVID19

2020 brought us the whirlwind disruption of COVID19. The ripple effect from the pandemic unfolded globally and across all communities. Naturally with this level of disruption to our dat-to-day routines and lives, people experience a wide range of thoughts, feelings and reactions. These experiences were largely driven and escalated by the overwhelming sense of not knowing.

Where did it come from?
What is going to happen?
When was all this going to end?
What can we do to help stop it?

And so 2021 begins!.. all while COVID19 is still a big prescience in all our lives.

As we navigate through these challenging times, it is easy to get stressed, depression or scared about what comes next. Even more so, it is important to be self aware and give yourself some time to deal with your mental and physical health. We should also be mindful and looking out for one another, whether a family member, friend or neighbour.

Loneliness and fear are powerful emotions that can challenge anyone's mental and physical health. As we pull together to overcome the challenges that the road will bring us, we should always remind ourselves that humanity has faced much greater challenges and prospered (e.g. the cold war, the black plague, Hurricane Katrina etc), we are strong, we are not alone, ask for help if you're struggling, we have technology to connect us on a global scale, and that over a cup of calming tea with a few deep breaths nothing is as bad as it seems.

Below are some of the things I have picked up on to help deal with these challenging times - I hope something resonates with you and helps!


Drink water.

Being dehydrated can increase snacking or grazing and make you feel more fatigued, weak, and can affect concentration. Don't forget to keep sipping your water throughout the day.

Build a meal routine.

We've all been there - boredom eating and snacking while at home close to the kitchen! Make a meal schedule and stick to it to ensure you don't fall into this trap.

Think healthy and plan in advance.

Planning meals in advance installs accountability, makes it easy to stick to a healthy diet and encourages normal eating routines. It can also help stop those sneaky impromptu snack purchases or making bad decisions out of ease while at the shops.

Stay active.

We are all busy people and I know motivation levels can drop when one is emotionally low. Do not give into this! Make the time, go for a walk, go for a run, download one of those workout app and do a home workout. I noticed the difference in myself. When I was a bit sad or low I would do a 10-15 minute home workout using an app. It helped to boost my endorphins and those feel-good hormones, afterwards I was sweaty but felt energized and happier for it!

Learn something new or start a new hobby.

Find yourself with a extraordinary amount of time to stare at walls? Instead of doing this, think about activities you have always wanted to do, books you wanted to read, hikes you've wanted to complete, that scarf you've always wanted to knit... Just do it!

Try maintain a normal sleep cycle.

Without sleep we all get a bit crazy. This because sleep is important for our mental and emotional health, and directly impacts our behaviour (particularly around food). We need to maintain a regular cycle of seven to nine hours a night. This is where staying active helps - if we do not burn that excess physical energy it makes it a lot harder to sleep despite mental exhaustion.

Stay connected.

Humans are inherently social beings. We need to feel connected to others. It is very easy to feel isolated and lonely when such a radical change to our routines have been made. One day we're free to move around with friends, the next it's a big no no. Fortunately we live in a technical age whereby we can leverage video calls, social media and virtual games. Never forget you are not alone, and don't forget to reach out to a friend to remind them neither are they.

Practice gratitude & small act of kindness.

There's so much in our life to be grateful, don't forget to stop and take the time to recognize something you are graceful for each day. When we help others we feel a sense of connectedness, belonging and happiness. These feelings are also felt by whoever you help, and they'll likely to follow suit by helping someone else. These make you think about what you have and focus on the positives in life.

Remember to relax.

Try to curtail your mind from catastrophizing by engaging in activities that make you happy and relaxed. Get up and dance, listen to your favorite song, do a puzzle, meditate, and focus on serenity whenever possible.


Remember that although times are unsettled and potentially stressful times, it is only temporary. Remember you are not alone in this. Remember if you need help or support you we are here for you, just ask. Visit Health Direct for a range of support lines free to use.

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